Certified in 12 Step Program with Addiction Counselor and Substance Abuse Counselor 12 Step Board Certification CTC

Addiction Counselor Substance Abuse Counselor Treatment Center Professionals Certified Twelve Step Recovery Program Drug and Alcohol CounselorsCTC™ Institute of Certified Twelve Steps Recovery and Addiction Counselors

CTC Certified 12 Step Consultant™ &
Training & Certification

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The CTC™ and MCTC™ designation belongs to an elite few in the counseling profession. Although the MTC is the highest level of certification, the CTC is for those who have established 12-Step literacy, understanding, and compassion. These designations represent the highest level of integrity and most importantly, fundamental knowledge. Certification, combined with personal qualifications and abilities, makes impressive credentials that give you a competitive edge to help others. Once certification is attained, re-certification is contingent upon each individual meeting good standing requirements and continuing educational requirements set by the Re-certification Committee. 15 hours of educational activities must be attained every year following receipt of the designation by attending or teaching relevant courses, writing professional articles and books, and attending educational conferences.

Become a CTC™ Certified Twelve Step Consultant

Distance Education and CTC Continuing Education

Counseling Jobs


Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group

Al-Anon/Alateen Home Page

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous World Services 

American Society of Addiction Medicine



Cocaine Anonymous World Services

Codependents Anonymous

CQK Records & Music

Debtors Anonymous


Eating Addictions Anonymous

Emotions Anonymous

Gamblers Anonymous


H -J

Jaywalker Twelve Step

Join Together

K - L 

Marijuana Anonymous 


Narcotics Anonymous

National Association for Children of Alcoholics

National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information

National Library of Medicine

Nat'l Assn. of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors

Nat'l Inst. on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Nat'l Inst. on Drug Abuse

Network 12 Listing of 12 Step Recovery Stores

Nicotine Anonymous

Online Recovery Resources

Overeaters Anonymous



Recovery Connection

Recovering Couples Anonymous


Sex Addicts Anonymous

Sexaholics Anonymous

Sexaholics Anonymous of Nebraska

Sexual Compulsives Anonymous

Sobriety & Recovery Resources

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

Survivors of Incest Anonymous


Web of Addictions

Successnet.org - Lots of publications and resources to keep you thinking positive and moving in the right direction. Great newsletter.

Selfgrowth.com A super site loaded with links to personal development pages broken down into categories.

Motivational Mecca - Listings of dozens of motivational newsletters, speakers, and sites. Probably the biggest listing of motivational links on the web, But Elder-X is not listed here so the site does have it's faults.

Quoteland.com - This is the place to go if you are looking for a quote. Database is well organized. Try entering a key word in the search section you will be amazed. You can also have a quote imprinted on cups,T-shirts, pens, and many other items.

Motivating Moments - A huge collection of inspirational and motivational quotes.

Mynewattitude.com - A collection of great articles on the subject of motivation.

Full life online -A guide to motivational and inspirational web pages with detailed description for each one.



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Welcome to the Web Site for Professionals who seek a higher understanding of recovery and 12 step philosophy.

The Institute of Certified Twelve Step Consultants ™, CTC, is an association and Graduate Institute of Recovery professionals. If you desire to be recognized by our organization and improve your education, resume, and credentials then you are taking the best step to a better professional career. CTC™ is a symbol of excellence and recognized in our 12 Step community. Read Requirements for Certification

Why You Should Join:

The CTC™ is organized and run by professionals. Our organization recognizes those who have 12 step expertise, attended meetings, courses and conferences focusing on the 12 steps, and accumulated specific on-the-job experience. CTC™ certifications are intended for those professionals who already have self-mastery in the 12 step philosophy and desire a professional designation. Read Requirements, Take Exam, Apply

Why Join CTC

CTC Benefits


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