Certified in 12 Step Program with Addiction Counselor and Substance Abuse Counselor 12 Step Board Certification CTC

Addiction Counselor Substance Abuse Counselor Treatment Center Professionals Certified Twelve Step Recovery Program Drug and Alcohol CounselorsCTC™ Institute of Certified Twelve Steps Recovery and Addiction Counselors

CTC Certified 12 Step Consultant™ &
Training & Certification


Here are our Propreitary: Twelve Steps of Harmonious Living�:

  • Help the client understand that surrender can be turned into victory
  • Help the client know that sanity is freedom
  • The client can select their conception of a higher power
  • An inventory or a Self Analysis includes reviewing your good and your bad also.
  • Discussion of your Inventory is a regular revitalization that can be done in parts or in full on an ongoing basis.
  • A journey of self improvement is about innovating our character so that we can grow better and better
  • Developing humility can be a strength that deflates a self destructive ego.
  • Becoming willing to forgive and ask forgiveness is a major step in building bridges of harmony with the world and fellow man.
  • Making restitution and face-to-face forgiveness and attunement mends relationships and clears the past.
  • Making a frequent analysis of ourselves keeps us on the right track
  • Staying connected and in harmony with the universe helps us maintain peace.
  • Working these steps gives us a new found sense of well being. Our service to others keeps the flow, and we reap the benefits and serenity by helping others. We get out of ourselves by thinking of other people.©

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