Certified in 12 Step Program with Addiction Counselor and Substance Abuse Counselor 12 Step Board Certification CTC

Addiction Counselor Substance Abuse Counselor Treatment Center Professionals Certified Twelve Step Recovery Program Drug and Alcohol CounselorsCTC™ Institute of Certified Twelve Steps Recovery and Addiction Counselors

CTC Certified 12 Step Consultant™ &
Training & Certification


Recertification: After your first year of membership and certification:

All CTC's will need to obtain at least 15 Continuing Education Credit hours each year to recertify.

The courses need to be 12 step orientated.                                                                                                         The course will have to demonstrate how to use the steps to treat some aspect of addiction. It can be addiction to alcohol, drugs, sex, spending, gambling, work, exercise, excitement, food, prescription medication, co-addiction treatment, Adult Children of Alcoholics Issues, co-dependency treatment, alanon, ala-teen etc.

Go to www.contemporaryteaching.com for courses that meet this criteria. and to select a course for recertification.












One should satisfy these criteria to become CTC ™ certified initially:

  • Education  (Degree or completed the endorsed courses)
  • Experience  (2 years for MCTC™, 1 year for CTC™)
  • Ethics  (Agree to abide by the ICECC code of ethics)
  • Continuing Education Requirements  (15 hours per year) of approved Official courses.

If you believe meet these requirements:

Checks to be made payable to "Contemporary Teaching"              

$100.00 for 1 applicant

$90.00 for 2 applicants

$85.00 for 3 applications

$80.00 per applicant for 4 or more applicants                                                                                 US for Certification and Membership Documents sent to this address Institute of 12 Step Consultants | 9525 Katy Freeway | Suite 428 | Houston, TX 77024 | 713-461-3279

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